2020 Conclave- The Wizard of OA

Dear OA Brothers and Sisters,

It’s that time of year again. Time for our friends within the Order of the Arrow from across Colorado, to gather and enjoy a weekend of fun and fellowship. Registration for 2020 Section Conclave is now open and everyone throughout the W-2S Section and beyond is invited to attend and have fun. This year Conclave will be held at a place familiar to many of us, Camp Alexander from April 17-19. Come join us for a weekend full of fun activities, insightful training courses, and great food. 2020 Section Conclave will also be the sight of the rescheduled National ACT Conference, during which all participants will get a chance to sit in and learn about what’s new in the OA. Don’t forget, throughout the weekend of Conclave, participation in activities and classes will also help determine which Lodge will take home the Bronze Moose awarded, let’s see which Lodge can show the most spirit. Currently, we are in the ‘Early Registration’ window so if you sign up before April 7 you get a $10 discount ($45) off the cost of attendance, normally $55. Registration will close on April 13. Some Lodges may have their own sign-up pages but, to officially register at our Section web site and for more information please, click here .

Yours in Service, Section Chief Phillip Alvarez